
A few things surprised me as I ranked my favorite songs.


"Let It Be", which I consider a terrific song, ranked relatively low.  I can never listen to the Let It Be album and feel good because I know they were so unhappy during most of the recording.
How about "Hello, Goodbye" near the bottom....and "This Boy", near the top.

Of the 21 covers, only one, "Twist and Shout" is in the top 20.  The rest are mostly near the bottom.

My top rated George song is "I Want To Tell You", followed by "Think For Yourself" which I like better than "Something", "Here Comes the Sun", or even "While My Guitar Gently Weeps".
I'm surprised that so many songs on my favorite albums, Rubber Soul, ranked middle of the pack.
"Help" at number 2!!! (Listen to John bare his soul...if John sang this song 1/2 speed and with an acoustic guitar it would have been taken more seriously)
Even song number 211, Mr. Moonlight has redeeming qualities...John's great vocal and Paul playing the organ.
When you look at my "Other Beatle Favorites", you'll see another surprise.  One of my favorite lead guitar parts was played by Paul....and it was on a George song!!!