22. Carry That Weight... Such a great ending thought and reflection on the past.  It's wonderful that Ringo gets the nod on his vocal being the most predominant and I don't know why.  Maybe it's just that it sounds a little strained, maybe forced.  I would love to hear the conversation within the studio that lead to Ringo's vocal most noticeable.  It's clearly out of Ringo's range on the "Carry" note but it works.

So the obvious meaning of the lyric is quite apparent; it's Paul's admission that "we were great" and the four of us are going to have much to live up to....for a long time.  I wonder if he really knew that carrying that weight of fame/success would indeed last their lifetime (and to their offspring also).  As I listen to this over and over, I realize that this is not even a song...it's just a one liner that had to be said and squeezed into the final cut on the final album.  The transition with horns into the charming Paul vocal which is quite sad; he breaks down during the celebration.  Seems to me that he is sad that it's over despite what was said in the press at the time.  So this is not really a song; just a statement of fact that is poignant enough to be somewhat of a closing statement by the fab four.